About NWOEA…

Meet our NWOEA Current Officers:

President Jennifer Long Unit lll McComb

Vice President Jennifer Gent Unit l TAWLS

Secretary Angela Dittman Unit lll Findlay

Treasurer Cheri Palko Unit l Ottaway Hills

Past President Jerry Oberhaus Retired LCCTA

The Northwestern Ohio Education Association was founded in 1845. NWOEA advances the causes of education and teaching.

NWOEA provides programs for the improvement of instruction and education.
NWOEA is one of ten districts that make up the Ohio Education Association.
NWOEA serves members who teach in 16 counties of Northwest Ohio plus the Bellevue and Margaretta school districts.

Unit 1: Fulton, Lucas, & Wood Counties
Unit 2: Allen, Defiance, Henry, Paulding, Putnam, Williams & Van Wert Counties
Unit 3: Hancock, Hardin, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca & Wyandot Counties plus Bellevue, Margaretta, Bowling Green, Eastwood, Elmwood, North Baltimore, Wood Lane, Allen East EA, Bluffton, and Pandora-Gilboa school districts.

Around 10,000 members!

We provide high quality programs at a very low cost with many local associations paying the registration fee for their members to attend.  Workshops, scholarships and grants are announced in our newsletters, on this web site, and on Facebook.  Certificates of attendance are available to workshop participants.

NWOEA is a “member driven” organization. We conduct an annual representative assembly meeting which defines the goals and sets policies for our organization.  Many locals do not have representation because they do not send delegates. Make your voice heard and your local’s vote count!  Ask your Local President how you can be a delegate.