Local Leaders Grant Archive 2020

August 10, 2020


Dear NWOEA Local Presidents,


The Professional Development Committee (PDC) of the Northwestern Ohio Education Association is proud to announce the offering of Local Leader Grants to assist local leaders with member outreach and engagement activities in their respective locals.  NWOEA will pay up to $300 per local association for the actual expenses incurred for member outreach and engagement activities until the funds are exhausted.


The intent of this funding is to provide opportunities for local association leaders to reach out and engage with their membership to best meet the current needs of their association.  Recognizing that the needs of our locals vary, funds could be used in a variety of areas such as:  providing compensation for a substitute to allow the local leader to meet with/visit members during the school day, early educator events, pay day celebrations, food for members while conducting building visits, member events, member birthday recognition, release time to discuss the importance of FCPE participation with members, materials needed to conduct one-on-one conversations, etc.


Locals may submit one (1) Local Leader Grant per school year.  The PDC will review applications monthly and decide on approval or denial of the grant applications.  The deadlines for the school year are as follows:  October 1, November 1, December 1, January 1, February 1, March 1, April 1, May 1, June 1 and July 1.  Please plan ahead and adjust your schedule accordingly.  Applications will be approved or denied, and local leaders will be notified of their status by the 15th of each month.


After the outreach and engagement activities have been completed, the evaluation document and expense report (sent with approval notice) must be completed and the final cost report with copies of receipts are to be forwarded to the NWOEA Center.  Once these materials have been approved and accepted, a reimbursement check for the actual expenses up to the approved amount will be issued to the local association.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact (call or text) the NWOEA Center at 419-303-8755 or nwoea.center@gmail.com.



Jennifer Gent

NWOEA VP and PDC Chair

Outreach & Engagement Flyer for 2021

NWOEA Local Leaders Grant Plus Application.docx